Articles for author: BRUCEORANGE


Why Travel Agents & Tour Operators Need To Focus On Authentic Local Experiences To Stay Competitive

The major elements comprising the generic destination competitiveness model helps to identify the key success factors of destination marketing. Among the many approximate set of indicators used to determine destination competitiveness, local experiences is one of the key points. Elaborate empirical as well as conceptual research points out the relative strengths and weaknesses of different ...


One More Article About Auto Insurance

What Is Auto Insurance? Auto insurance is a product that is purchased and also that can pay for damages to your vehicle or others’ vehicles in the event of a car accident or non-accident related harm. Each state has its laws regarding the amount of car insurance that each person should have to be able ...


Auto Loans 101 – 5 Questions To Ask Your Lender

Investing in your dream car is a process that can feel a little overwhelming. From choosing the correct car model to cracking the best deal with your auto lender, the procedure surely requires some prior research. When it comes to auto loans, discovering a suitable auto lender can be a tricky business. It might not ...


Immortalizing Values Through Education for Sustainable Development

Education is the primary agent of transformation towards sustainable development, increasing people’s capacities to transform their visions for society into reality. Education not only provides scientific and technical skills, it also provides the motivation, and social support for pursuing and applying them. For this reason, society must be deeply concerned that much of current education ...


The Role of Globalized Education in Achieving the Post-2015 Development Agenda

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have unquestionably been highly successful in bolstering governments’ commitment to poverty reduction, achieving basic education and health, promoting gender equality and environmental sustainability, and bridging the gaps in human development. In spite of these progresses, globalized education is still a requisite and the primary tool in achieving the Post-2015 Global ...


Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education

The World Bank’s 1991 ‘World Development Report’ has made a very interesting observation that the scientific and technological progress and enhanced productivity in any nation have a close link with investment in human capital as well as the quality of the economic environment. Scientific and technological capabilities are, however, unevenly distributed in the world and ...


Health Care Reform – Busting The 3 Biggest Myths Of ObamaCare

In the last few months we’ve seen a lot of Health Care Reform rules and regulations being introduced by the Health and Human Services Department. Every time that happens, the media gets hold of it and all kinds of articles are written in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the TV network ...


Fashion School Tips: 5 Tips for Success

The idea of fashion school might seem like a catwalk, but in reality a degree in fashion is extremely demanding, rigorous and competitive. By following these five fashion school tips for success, you will be well on your way to a degree and a fashion career! Tip 1: Pursuing Your Passion If you are interested ...


The Popularity of Fashion Blogs

The Internet is chock full of them – fashion blogs of different shapes and forms, expounding on the merits of skinny jeans versus boyfriend jeans. Or why pink is the new black and all that jazz. Going online these days means getting your fill (whether you like it or not) of the latest fashion trends ...